A national Cancer Quality of Life Survey has been launched to help us understand what matters to patients. From July 2021, all patients diagnosed with cancer in England are being invited to complete the survey around 18-months after their diagnosis.
National and regional-level reports will be made available through the Cancer Data hub.
It is important that as many people in Cheshire and Merseyside as possible complete their survey so that the information collected fully represents our cancer population.
The resources below have been developed to help you promote awareness and uptake of the Cancer Quality of Life Survey.
Communications Toolkit for Cheshire and Merseyside
This toolkit is designed to support stakeholders when promoting and sharing information about the Cancer Quality of Life Survey with patients, carers and members of the public. It is suitable for use by organisations such as NHS Trusts, Primary Care Networks, local support groups, and charities.
Download the toolkit here.
Patient Information Leaflets
This leaflet, produced by NHS England, gives an overview of the Cancer Quality of Life Survey and how to complete it.
An adapted version of the leaflet is available in accessible formats (easy read and BSL) and has been translated into the five most commonly used languages in Cheshire and Merseyside.
The below posters can be displayed in areas that are visible to people affected by cancer, their friends or family. They can be downloaded and printed, or displayed on TV screens.
The below videos are available to share:
- Cancer Quality of Life Survey – What does quality of life mean to you? (produced by NHS England and NHS Improvement).
- Cancer Quality of Life Survey – Why is the Survey important? (produced by NHS England and NHS Improvement).
- Nurse Consultant Alison Taylor of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust explains why the new quality of life survey for people with cancer is so important, and why people should take part if invited.
Further information
Further information can be found on the national Cancer Quality of Life Survey website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please click on this link for our Frequently Asked Questions.
This document explains how the Quality of Life survey differs from other surveys and tools that are used to gather patient-reported information, and why it is important to fill it in.
Differences between questionnaires that people living with and beyond cancer may receive in England