HI library .pngPatients can face many barriers that lead to unfair and avoidable differences in the status of people’s health – these are health inequalities.

These barriers include physical, psychological, financial, geographical, and cultural or language barriers. 

The aim of the Health Inequalities Library is to make healthcare professionals aware of these barriers by increasing transparency and to offer solutions to overcome these barriers.

The library includes short videos which have been co-produced by ‘experts by experience’, professionals and the Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance.

The series of short talks are designed so healthcare professionals can identify some of the barriers people may face when accessing NHS services, as well as the reasonable adjustments that must, and can, be made to support different communities.


Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness

See the video here.

Women’s Health

A series of talks from experts by experience and professionals to reduce health inequalities and improve patient experience. This video has been made by CMCA and the Women's Health Information and Support Centre (WHISC), focusing on some of the potential barriers faced by women when accessing healthcare services. It also looks at the impact of these barriers and how healthcare professionals can help to remove them.