The Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey (U16 CPES) aims to find out what is good about the cancer and tumour care being given to children, and what could be better.
Children and young people (aged under 16) who have received cancer or tumour care in a Principal Treatment Centre, and their parents or carers, are invited to take part. Some children who are 16 years old may also be sent a survey if they received care within the past year as a 15 year old.
Results are published at a national and local (Principal Treatment Centre) level, on the U16 CPES website.
The Principal Treatment Centre within Cheshire and Merseyside is Alder Hey. You can view an overview of the 2020 results here.
Promotional Resources
In order to reduce health inequalities, we must ensure people with lived experience are involved and listened to. But people who encounter health inequalities are more likely to experience barriers to completing the survey. The resources below have been developed to promote awareness and uptake of the U16 CPES among diverse communities.
Patient Information Leaflets
To download this poster, right click on it and Save Image As.
Communications Toolkit
Organisations can download this useful toolkit to promote the survey, which includes website information, social media posts and logos:
Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey Communications Toolkit