The Clinical Quality Groups (CQGs) are the source of expert clinical and professional advice on a wide range of cancer services issues.

CQGs adopt an evidence- based approach, incorporating national best-practice guidance into local practice to ensure common standards and pathways for cancer patients.

In Cheshire & Merseyside Clinical Quality Groups are established for tumour-specific pathways and cross cutting themes such as diagnostics, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and acute oncology.

The role of the CQG is to ensure co-ordination of the cancer pathway and consistency of clinical practice irrespective of where treatment is provided. Areas that the CQGs focus on include:

  • Identifying and raising awareness of population needs
  • Service monitoring including clinical performance and patient outcomes
  • Workforce development
  • Increasing research capacity
  • Implementation of clinical guidelines
  • Development of local pathways and service specifications
  • Responding to concerns or inequalities raised through monitoring processes
  • Advising on matters relating to service reconfiguration

Each CQG has a nominated lead/chair who works with the Cancer Alliance Medical Director to ensure the development and delivery of work plans for each group.

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