Intranet blog thumbnails.jpgThe Innovation Programme aims to increase the spread and adoption of proven innovations that have the potential to transform cancer outcomes, improve patient experience and improve health equity.

The current focus of the innovation programme is on early diagnosis to support delivery of the 75% early diagnosis target within the NHS Long Term Plan, however, the innovation programme will also support system pressures and find solutions to key local challenges, as required.

The innovation programme has built a strong collaboration with Health Innovation North West Coast and strengthened our innovation capacity and capability with clinical leadership and collaboration.

We will build a culture of innovation within the alliance and encourage the whole cancer community to develop this mindset and skills. We will support the Cancer Alliance and local system to successfully adopt and spread innovation, take local and national opportunities to demonstrate how adoption of innovation can improve cancer early diagnosis, system efficiency, and capability.

Our programme objectives are:

  • Work in partnership with the Health Innovation Network North West Coast to increase adoption and spread of innovation
  • Deliver innovative projects which aim to improve efficiency, effectiveness and outcomes of our cancer services
  • Support the system to identify the best innovations that will enable improvements in the early detection, rapid diagnosis, treatment and support beyond a cancer diagnosis
  • Support and fund local partners to deliver innovative projects, with a particular focus on reducing health inequalities and the early diagnosis of cancer.