Published on 18 October 2021

A documentary about pancreatic cancer has highlighted ‘Britain’s Hidden Killer’.

ITV’s Tonight programme shows how the cancer progresses, through the final days of the father of its film-maker, Daniel Kennedy.

The programme captures Paul Kennedy’s last days in hospital and how the team treated him for the deadliest common cancer.

It looks at how an early diagnosis can make a huge difference in the survival chances of patients as half of patients are diagnosed at a later stage.

The programme filmed the team at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, showing how they treat patients, and explains how GPs can be crucial in catching symptoms early.

It details that back pain is one of the commonest symptoms of pancreatic cancer, but only a very small number of people with back pain will have the disease.

The programme also features the NHS-Galleri study, a clinical trial designed to detect cancer, which is happening now in Cheshire and Merseyside, and the Liverpool-based EUROPAC study, learning about the genetic causes of the disease.

The NHS is currently working on a new audit of pancreatic cancer patients to find out how care across the country is working.

To watch the programme on catch-up, see: