Published on 21 June 2021
Despite the current COVID-19 infection rates across Cheshire and Merseyside, GP practices are open and continue to provide services as they have done throughout the pandemic.
This means that for patients, GP surgeries are still providing healthcare services, be it remotely using telephone or video technology, or face to face if safe to do so and deemed necessary by the GP or other clinician.
It is very important that you contact your GP sur gery if you notice any changes to your body that may be signs of cancer.
A Sefton couple, Andrea and Ron De Cort, pictured, have spoken about using their GP surgery during the pandemic, when they were concerned about the possible symptoms of cancer, and used new ways to have an appointment with their GP.
They have used online consultation, also called econsult in their local area, to access their GP practice.
Andrea said: “Myself and my husband Ron have been helped by our GP practice several times during lockdown and I have to say that they have been excellent on each occasion.
“I found two lumps on my right breast in May 2020 and went through the econsult system to let my doctor know about it. I drew sketches of where they were and had a phone call with the receptionist that day, who actively listened to everything I had to say.
“They referred me straight away to the Royal Liverpool Hospital and were brilliant at updating me on my care. What was reassuring was that this was all dealt with within a few days.
“It’s really crucial that people understand that their GP practice is still open for business. You might need to deal with them slightly differently to how you have done in the past, but it makes no difference to the standard of treatment you will get.”
Ron also went through a similar process with the GP when he had a blemish on his collarbone that was getting darker and more pigmented.
He sent photos of it to his GP who contacted him by telephone shortly afterwards and referred him urgently to a skin specialist. It was not cancer but could have developed into it if it had not been dealt with.
Ron said: “The GP practice is still there for you – don’t hesitate to use them.”
In Sefton, the number of patients GP practices are seeing, either face to face, over the phone or via a video link, is increasing month on month.
Over the last six months, GP practices have organised over 666,833 appointments for Sefton residents outside of any vaccination appointments, an increase of 20.7% from the previous six months.
The threat of infection from COVID-19 still exists, with rates continuing to rise in many areas across Cheshire and Merseyside. Patients are being asked to continue to follow guidance in place and take the necessary precautions such as wearing face coverings and practicing good hygiene. GP practices have processes for managing entry into the premises to help minimise the risk of anybody spreading the virus. New ways of providing GP services are in place in order to maintain access to the practice team while protecting patients and staff.
Triage – making an assessment of a patient’s condition and prioritising care accordingly – is an important part of how GP practices work. This has always been in place but has been vitally important during the pandemic.
Dr Pete Chamberlain, local GP and chair at NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “We are open and have been providing GP services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We have learnt during the pandemic that we can conduct consultations very well with the vast majority of patients using digital technology. With COVID-19 levels rising, we are supporting practices to continue with this approach.
“The majority of common conditions can be assessed and diagnosed by your GP by telephone or video consultation. However, as has been the case throughout the pandemic, if your GP feels that a face-to-face appointment is required and it is safe to do so, this should be arranged for you. We also continue to provide an Out of Hours GP service at evenings and weekends for those who need it.”
Dr Rob Caudwell, local GP and chair of NHS Southport and Formby CCG, said: “Accessing your GP in the correct way for your specific medical need will help to protect you, your family and loved ones, and GP practice staff from the potential risk of the virus.
“We have been busy throughout the pandemic, continuing to provide support to patients as well as being an important part of the COVID-19 vaccination programme. Patients are being reminded that staff are here to help and should be treated with kindness and respect.”