Publish date: 14 March 2022

TheCancerAcademyLogoColour.pngThe new educational platform from CMCA for cancer healthcare professionals will be called ‘The Cancer Academy’.

The Cancer Academy is promising ‘Excellence in cancer education’ for people working in cancer treatment, care and planning in a healthcare or community setting.

The name and branding for the new learning platform have been unveiled ahead of the launch of the learning website on April 4th.

The Academy will offer virtual courses with content personalised to individual workforce areas. There will be educational videos, live training, webinars, online learning materials, cancer pathway information and links to partner organisations.

There are also plans to set up a user group to advise the Academy of content and how it can be presented.

Sharon Rowe, CMCA Workforce Transformation and Education Lead, said: “We are putting the finishing touches to The Cancer Academy website ahead of it going live next month.

“We are all very excited to finally unveil the name and logo which we hope will become synonymous with excellence in cancer education.

“The Cancer Academy’s objective is to support all our cancer professionals in delivering high-quality care and treatment – and we are looking forward to its launch.”