Published on 19 December 2024

The Living Well Bus

A new mobile cervical screening service is to be piloted in Knowsley in a bid to improve uptake of the life-saving test.

The Living Well Bus, hosted by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS FT, will be at various locations across the borough offering drop-in cervical screening appointments to women and people with a cervix who have missed any previous appointments, making it easy and convenient for people to be screened.

The cervical screening programme is very important and saves thousands of lives each year. Cervical screening – which used to be known as the smear test – tests for HPV (human papillomavirus) that can cause cervical cancer. If these types of HPV are found, they can be treated before they get a chance to turn into cervical cancer.

The pilot mobile unit will operate as a drop-in service for those who are overdue their cervical screening or have missed any previous appointments, and will provide a safe, comfortable and private area for cervical screening appointments to take place.

The cervical screening test itself should take less than five minutes and the whole appointment should take around 10 minutes. You can bring someone with you to your appointment, such as a friend, family member or chaperone, to make you feel more comfortable.

Cllr Christine Bannon, Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member for Health, said: “Cervical screening is a life-saving test that can help residents get preventative treatment and reduce the risk of cancer.

“I am delighted that we are able to pilot this service in the borough which will make it easier and more convenient for residents to access their cervical screening test. I already know how successful The Living Well Bus service is and the benefits it brings to our communities.

“I would like to thank our colleagues in the NHS for their hard work in running the sessions and urge anyone who has missed an appointment to visit the bus when the pilot starts in the new year.”

For the dates and venues of the bus, see: Cervical screening to be piloted on the Living Well Bus in Knowsley - Knowsley News